Members read the Refuge with no ads

Here’s a little known secret:

Highly sensitive people do not like ads.

Okay, we know. NO one likes ads. But for HSPs, it’s different. Every ad hits us a little harder. Animation catches us by surprise. Reading can become a chore — which is the last thing it should be.

That’s why we now offer ad-free reading for members. Join here.

Why Ad Free?

Until now, running ads helped make Highly Sensitive Refuge the special place that it is.

It’s how we can pay our writers, which so few websites do. It’s how we keep the website and community running. And it’s how we keep delivering the research, expert advice, and relatable stories you won’t find anywhere else.

But readers have told us they want a way to turn the ads off. And we do, too.

That’s why we now offer an ad-free membership.

When you become a member, you get 100% ad-free reading on every article, every day, on every device you use.

And your membership helps advance our mission: to make the world better for highly sensitive people. To change the way people see, and talk about, being sensitive.

Here’s how ad-free membership works.

Here’s what you get as a member:

  • Articles load 800% faster
  • Distraction-free reading
  • Text doesn’t jump around
  • No sudden animation or video
  • You never see an ad again

…and, of course, you support the mission of Highly Sensitive Refuge.

$9/month $5/month to go ad-free forever

Don’t miss out. Go ad-free today.

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