HSPs, Have You Told Your Therapist These 5 Crucial Things?
Not all therapists have had highly sensitive patients before. Here’s what you can do to make sure your treatment is a positive, helpful force in your life.
Not all therapists have had highly sensitive patients before. Here’s what you can do to make sure your treatment is a positive, helpful force in your life.
Highly sensitive people possess powerful strengths. But in order to access those strengths, they must live a lifestyle that’s aligned with their needs.
Here are some of the challenges I’ve experienced as an HSP who deals with chronic procrastination, plus five tips I’ve learned that help tame it.
Thanks to the highly sensitive person’s extraordinarily responsive nervous system, the barrage of polarizing news has left many of us emotionally raw.
Sadly, many highly sensitive people feel like something’s wrong with them. They’ve been told they’re “too needy” or “too emotional.”
The highly sensitive soul craves quiet and simplicity. These four ideas will help you declutter your home and simplify your life.
Many highly sensitive people struggle with people-pleasing. But we simply cannot be in charge of everyone else’s emotions.
Travel is supposed to be magical. But if you’re a highly sensitive person, travel is often the opposite: one big source of stress and overwhelm.
For highly sensitive people, criticism isn’t something they can just “shrug off.” Here’s why, plus tips from a therapist to take criticsm less personally.
Ever notice you feel drained by certain people in your life (or all of them)? Here’s what to do about it.
Here’s why highly sensitive people are prone to saying yes — even when it comes at a cost to us — and how we can set better boundaries.
Angry, negative, and toxic people drain sensitive people, who need to feel emotionally safe in order to express themselves.
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