How Highly Sensitive People Can Use the ‘HALT’ Acronym to Stop Overstimulation
Four simple letters can bring you back to the present and stop overstimulation.
Four simple letters can bring you back to the present and stop overstimulation.
For some people, absorbing emotions is a blessing. For others it’s a curse. Here’s why neuroscience says it happens.
Highly sensitive people process stimuli deeply, and as a result, they often need more self-care than others. Here are 20 self-care ideas for HSPs.
Feeling anxious or afraid? Here are the tools that will help you navigate anxiety — and overcome it — when you feel overwhelmed.
Anyone is welcome in my world, but there are a few rules, because I’m choosing to no longer be manipulated or shamed for being sensitive.
For highly sensitive people, the whole world feels “turned up.” Here’s how to dial it back down — and get the peace you need.
Is silence good for your brain?
It took me years to realize that alcohol was a dimming switch that slowly turned off all my sensitive qualities.
Here’s why some highly sensitive people are prone to perfectionism, plus five tips to help you free yourself from it, according to an HSP therapist.
For highly sensitive people (HSPs), the stress of daily life can be magnified. So what can you do to get relief — without the burnout?
Highly sensitive people are actually wired to rocket beyond others and thrive — if you learn how to create the environment you need. Here’s how to do it.
Frida Kahlo, who was likely a highly sensitive person, said, “I don’t paint dreams or nightmares, I paint my own reality.”
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