HSPs, Here’s How to Deal With That Angry Person in Your Life
There’s a specific set of tools HSPs can use to handle angry and difficult people — without feeling emotionally shattered.
There’s a specific set of tools HSPs can use to handle angry and difficult people — without feeling emotionally shattered.
An empath is someone who is highly sensitive to the emotions of others. They feel everything — sometimes even physically.
In stressful environments, HSPs are more likely to become sick or burnout., but in calm environments, they flourish.
Like almost every other highly sensitive introvert on the face of the planet, I spent so much of my life feeling out of place.
Only 15 to 20 percent of the population are highly sensitive people. As a result, high sensitivity is often mistaken for something else entirely.
High sensation seeking means a strong tendency to seek out new, intense, or complex experiences. Are you an HSP who’s also a high sensation seeker?
If sensitive people were more “normal,” the world would lose what it desperately needs: intuitive, empathic individuals who care and feel deeply.
When you’re a highly sensitive person, New Year’s resolutions like “Make more money” aren’t going to cut it. But here are ones that will.
Why do the holidays need to be so “extra”?
I may be quirky, I may cry easily, but I’d never give up these 14 things about being a highly sensitive person.
Although they may seem minor to other people, these “little” things can be BIG things for highly sensitive people.
Have you ever tried to hide your sensitivity? You may be stifling your greatest strength — and if you let it shine, it can completely change someone’s life.
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