The 5 Most Life-Changing Gifts of Highly Sensitive People
Science links being sensitive with a distinct set of gifts. Which one(s) do you have?
Science links being sensitive with a distinct set of gifts. Which one(s) do you have?
Elaine Aron’s SPS is just one of four theories researchers are pursuing — and all four may be pieces of the same puzzle. What can HSPs learn from them?
Dating a highly sensitive person isn’t like dating other people. Here’s what they wish you knew.
Are you a super feeler, a super sensor, or an ‘aesthete’?
Are highly sensitive people wired to springboard past others and achieve their goals? Here’s the science — and how to activate the Boost Effect yourself.
Does working from home offer peace and focus — or a whole new host of problems?
Sensitive people seek jobs that are meaningful and won’t lead to overwhelm. The best way to find that is by starting with your unique strengths.
Although they share some similar traits, they’re not the same.
Is the HSP brain the most powerful social machine in the known universe?
The same genes that make you a highly sensitive person may also give you a powerful evolutionary advantage.
An empath is someone who is highly sensitive to the emotions of others. They feel everything — sometimes even physically.
“Toughen Up” is not an ethos.
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