7 Common Struggles of Empaths and HSPs — and How to Turn Them Into Strengths
If you’re a sensitive empath, just being around other people can turn your day into a roll coaster. Here’s how to handle it — and your other biggest struggles.
If you’re a sensitive empath, just being around other people can turn your day into a roll coaster. Here’s how to handle it — and your other biggest struggles.
Highly sensitive people often get stuck in specific roles for family members, like peacekeeper, rescuer, and “holder of emotions.” Here’s why it’s unhealthy — and how to change it.
My emotional reactivity, anxiety, and shame weren’t only about being a highly sensitive person — it also had to do with unhealed trauma.
Sadly, many highly sensitive people feel like something’s wrong with them. They’ve been told they’re “too needy” or “too emotional.”
To thrive as a highly sensitive person, I needed to start by seeing myself differently. Not as a weirdo with too many feelings, but as a valuable soul with a tender heart and depth.
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