For Highly Sensitive People, the Holidays Can Be Too Much
As a highly sensitive person, the holidays are often too much of everything for me. The overstimulation, overthinking, and extra feeling are all very real.
As a highly sensitive person, the holidays are often too much of everything for me. The overstimulation, overthinking, and extra feeling are all very real.
You probably won’t be able to completely avoid the holiday hoopla, but you can use it as an opportunity to reassess the meaning you want to make.
Empaths have the unique ability to sense and absorb the feelings of others — and that can create some real challenges.
Whether it’s their daily commute or just getting groceries, HSPs may struggle with overstimulation from the heightened emotions of those around them.
Does too much noise or activity feel like a force crushing down? You might be a highly sensitive person.
Are you the one who knows what an animal needs or tries to communicate with it when others are at a loss? You might be a highly sensitive person.
It was as if my senses had tensed up and recoiled out of self-defense.
Not every sensitive soul looks sensitive on the outside.
#16: We see right through to your soul.
As a highly sensitive person, I’m the one who notices every emotion in the office — which means I’m often the one managing those emotions for others.
We’re not interested in your crazy loud stimuli.
When you’re sensitive by nature, it can shape your loneliness — turning it into a spiral.
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