14 Things I Love About Being a Highly Sensitive Person
Some may think sensitivity is a weakness, but I believe being highly sensitive is a gift — and it’s definitely the kind that keeps on giving.
Some may think sensitivity is a weakness, but I believe being highly sensitive is a gift — and it’s definitely the kind that keeps on giving.
Science suggests emotions are “contagious” — and some people catch them more than others.
You might be surprised which of the 16 types test as highly sensitive people — and which don’t.
Between gift shopping and endless amounts of small talk, the holidays can be a challenging time for HSPs. But scheduling in alone time can help.
Due to their wiring, highly sensitive people observe more, think more, and move slower — which is a good thing.
When you’re a highly sensitive person, sometimes “little things” are too much.
I did my best to fit in and be like everyone else, not realizing that fitting in wasn’t the same as belonging.
These “little” things make highly sensitive people happy — and, collectively, they amount to “big” things.
One example of overwhelm is if other people’s emotional baggage makes you feel like it’s yours — and it’s heavy for your highly sensitive soul.
Both introverts and sensitive people are creative and introspective, but only one of them craves solitude.
You’re not watching the same movie I’m watching.
To HSPs, job satisfaction is often about doing meaningful work. But due to their extremely high levels of empathy, this work can also burn them out.
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