HSPs, Do You Have a High Conflict Person in Your Life?
They’re up to 10 times more common than narcissists and do just as much damage. Here’s how to deal with them.
They’re up to 10 times more common than narcissists and do just as much damage. Here’s how to deal with them.
Here are the five red flags you can spot in a toxic relationship to end the abuse before it begins.
Due to overlapping characteristics of ADHD and high sensitivity — like getting overstimulated easily — it can be difficult to tell them apart.
HSPs thrive in relationships where they feel seen, heard, and valued. And if we want alone time to recharge, our partner knows not to take it personally.
Childhood emotional neglect can leave any child with difficulties that last into adulthood. But for a highly sensitive person, it can be crippling.
Not everyone is safe to have in your life, and some are like poison. Here are the five worst types of unsafe people for HSPs.
Dating a highly sensitive person isn’t like dating other people. Here’s what they wish you knew.
Some of my best HSP strengths ended up being landmines in my relationship. Here’s how to grow closer and more fulfilled, instead of drifting apart.
Here are twelve signs you might be in a codependent relationship and not even know it. How many do you relate to?
Breakups can be challenging for anyone, but what if you’re naturally more sensitive to your soon-to-be ex’s emotions — and your own?
Sensitive men are the ones who actually understand women — and wow do they know how to show it.
Not all friendships are good for you as an HSP, but it can be hard to spot the difference early on. Here’s how.
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