How to Live Your ‘Best Life’ as a Highly Sensitive Person — And Find Meaning
Every HSP’s “best life” is different, but they all lead to one place — finding the purpose and joy that sensitive people crave.
Every HSP’s “best life” is different, but they all lead to one place — finding the purpose and joy that sensitive people crave.
Most HSPs go above and beyond for others’ emotions. But it’s essential to take time for yourself and prioritize your emotions, too.
Being selfless comes at a high cost, especially for sensitive souls, since it means neglecting your wants and needs.
HSPs have important perspectives to contribute to society. They must protect their process, especially when the world doesn’t.
Feeling guilty can be a trait of someone who’s empathic, such as a highly sensitive person. But misplaced guilt is another story.
Highly sensitive people often get the wrong message from society. But what message are we giving ourselves?
Highly sensitive people are easy to love and easy to live with—as long as you understand our unique needs.
1 in 3 kids are highly sensitive, and a birthday party is a recipe for a meltdown.
As a highly sensitive parent, trying to meet the needs of your baby is relatively easy. But attempting to meet the demands of others is another story.
Highly sensitive people are wired differently — and “little” things can cause us BIG stress.
It took years, but I finally reached a breaking point: I decided to stop feeling inferior for my sensitivity due to others’ insensitivity.
Play is essential to eliminating overstimulation and grounding your emotions.
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