This Is a Better Term for ‘Highly Sensitive Person’
Sometimes it’s hard to see the good in being sensitive because people often think of it as a bad thing.
Sometimes it’s hard to see the good in being sensitive because people often think of it as a bad thing.
Does someone in your life not believe HSPs are real? Here’s why — and what you can do to change that.
Science links being sensitive with a distinct set of gifts. Which one(s) do you have?
Did someone say cozy sweaters, soft socks, and pumpkin-flavored everything? Yes, please.
Joy has many health benefits, like reducing stress, which can help when HSPs feel overstimulated.
Sensitive people are often tagged as “weak,” but they have a fascinating and often brilliant world happening just under the surface.
I thought my behavior was typical and made me a “good friend.” Then I learned about boundaries.
There’s a specific set of tools HSPs can use to handle angry and difficult people — without feeling emotionally shattered.
When you nourish your HSP body, mind, and soul, you finally start to feel whole again — and stop living on the edge of overload.
History’s most beloved First Lady shows both the beautiful and traumatic side of being highly sensitive.
Sensitive people put a lot of resources into imagining — and planning — the future. What do you do if none of it works out?
Do sensitive people feel a “call” to create change?
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