The 4 Wildly Different Theories Researchers Use to Explain Highly Sensitive People
Elaine Aron’s SPS is just one of four theories researchers are pursuing — and all four may be pieces of the same puzzle. What can HSPs learn from them?
Elaine Aron’s SPS is just one of four theories researchers are pursuing — and all four may be pieces of the same puzzle. What can HSPs learn from them?
The HSP brain works a little differently — which can lead to problems with focus and concentration. Is there a way to overcome it?
Dating a highly sensitive person isn’t like dating other people. Here’s what they wish you knew.
Everyone falls into one of three camps when it comes to boundaries — and not all of them are healthy. Which one are you?
HSPs may be wired to achieve big, impactful change — if you can align with your sensitive side. Here’s how.
Some of my best HSP strengths ended up being landmines in my relationship. Here’s how to grow closer and more fulfilled, instead of drifting apart.
Overthinking is like quicksand — the more you fight it, the more you get stuck. Here’s what to do instead.
For highly sensitive people, sleep is a magical elixir.
Many HSPs dread social events, even if they’re extroverts. Here’s why — and how to finally feel comfortable at parties.
Are you a super feeler, a super sensor, or an ‘aesthete’?
Joy has many health benefits, like reducing stress, which can help when HSPs feel overstimulated.
Has personality science identified highly sensitive people’s biggest weak spot — or is “neuroticism” actually a good thing?
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