How HSPs Can Stop Feeling Anxious at Social Events (and Actually Enjoy Them)
Many HSPs dread social events, even if they’re extroverts. Here’s why — and how to finally feel comfortable at parties.
Many HSPs dread social events, even if they’re extroverts. Here’s why — and how to finally feel comfortable at parties.
Are you a super feeler, a super sensor, or an ‘aesthete’?
Joy has many health benefits, like reducing stress, which can help when HSPs feel overstimulated.
Has personality science identified highly sensitive people’s biggest weak spot — or is “neuroticism” actually a good thing?
Sensitive people are often tagged as “weak,” but they have a fascinating and often brilliant world happening just under the surface.
I thought my behavior was typical and made me a “good friend.” Then I learned about boundaries.
There’s a specific set of tools HSPs can use to handle angry and difficult people — without feeling emotionally shattered.
Are highly sensitive people wired to springboard past others and achieve their goals? Here’s the science — and how to activate the Boost Effect yourself.
When you nourish your HSP body, mind, and soul, you finally start to feel whole again — and stop living on the edge of overload.
Do you absorb other people’s emotions or “energy”? Here’s why, and how to control it — from the world’s top empath researcher.
History’s most beloved First Lady shows both the beautiful and traumatic side of being highly sensitive.
Sensitive people are no more fearful than anyone else, but we respond to fear differently — and strongly. Here’s how to overcome it.
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