5 Misconceptions Every Highly Sensitive Person Has to Deal With
Here are the five biggest misconceptions about high sensitivity — and the truth that people need to understand instead.
Here are the five biggest misconceptions about high sensitivity — and the truth that people need to understand instead.
By practicing mindfulness, we can lower our stress and deal with our emotions in a healthy way. Highly sensitive people, here’s how to get started.
Highly sensitive people possess powerful strengths. But in order to access those strengths, they must live a lifestyle that’s aligned with their needs.
Yes, your crying, clingy highly sensitive child is normal. Here’s why separation anxiety is common in highly sensitive kids, plus how to deal with it.
Dear sensitive soul, High sensitivity is beautiful, and beauty is sought after by others. That’s why others often pursue…
Not only do I not fit the typical “male” stereotype, but it’s harder to talk about the overstimulation I face.
For highly sensitive people, moving to a new home can be extremely unsettling. Here’s why, plus five tips to make your next move easier.
Only 15 to 20 percent of the population are highly sensitive people. As a result, high sensitivity is often mistaken for something else entirely.
Only 15-20 percent of the population has the genes that make them highly sensitive, so our trait is often very misunderstood.
If you’re highly sensitive and you’ve had a bad therapy experience, you need to know: This isn’t normal.
Sadly, many highly sensitive people feel like something’s wrong with them. They’ve been told they’re “too needy” or “too emotional.”
Sensitivity is wrongly depicted as an undesirable trait. Here are eight overlooked benefits to being a highly sensitive person.
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