3 Things Highly Sensitive People Can Learn From Artist Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo, who was likely a highly sensitive person, said, “I don’t paint dreams or nightmares, I paint my own reality.”
Frida Kahlo, who was likely a highly sensitive person, said, “I don’t paint dreams or nightmares, I paint my own reality.”
Do negative emotions stay with you and leave you feeling exhausted or “shaken up”? Here’s how to purge them — fast.
Receiving validation feels incredible — until you end up in the “People-Pleaser Trap.” Here’s how to change your people-pleasing behavior.
It’s one thing to no longer see your high sensitivity as a weakness; it’s another thing entirely to know your true strength.
Being sensitive doesn’t mean you have to be at the mercy of other people’s moods and conflicts. Here’s how to stop letting it take over your life — and feel at peace.
Can the Japanese art of “forest bathing” help HSPs in a world overloaded with stress?
Highly sensitive people have many qualities of the best leaders. So why don’t we think of them that way?
High sensitivity and ADHD were once thought to be opposites. What made scientists change their minds — and what do you do if you’re both?
One day, I realized that the very same high sensitivity that made me feel like the victim of an insensitive world could be used to my advantage.
For a highly sensitive person, alcohol can act like a “mute button” on a too-loud world. That made it especially seductive to me — and risky.
For HSPs, time anxiety can mean always showing up early, constantly feeling rushed, or never *quite* relaxing. Here’s how to slow things down.
I grew up hearing, “Don’t be so sensitive.” What should young HSPs hear instead?
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