Are You Losing Your Sense of Time in the Pandemic?
Nowhere to go, no one to see, nothing to do. Here’s how HSPs can stop feeling lost in “pandemic time.”
Nowhere to go, no one to see, nothing to do. Here’s how HSPs can stop feeling lost in “pandemic time.”
Don’t blame yourself for getting charmed by them — it’s happened to the best of us.
Every HSP needs a sanctuary, a place to relax, recover from overstimulation, and process feelings.
As the world grew darker, journaling became a way to resolve the conflict in my head — and around me.
It’s time to reach out to your HSP friends and get ready to go deep.
There’s a reason people are turning to the leaders they view as sensitive.
You’re not the only one who has slightly different needs.
When sensitive and not-sensitive get married, there’s gonna be a learning curve.
As a sensitive person, I’m not a snowflake, but I do feel — and love — very deeply.
HSPs don’t do well with being pulled in a million directions at once.
A nomad lifestyle may offer the healing you need.
Being raised a Black woman, “strong” is who you are. Sensitive me didn’t measure up.
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