7 Ways Being an HSP Can Help You Raise One
Being a highly sensitive parent to a highly sensitive child can strengthen your bond — it’s like a secret language you share.
Being a highly sensitive parent to a highly sensitive child can strengthen your bond — it’s like a secret language you share.
Highly sensitive people are easy to love and easy to live with—as long as you understand our unique needs.
1 in 3 kids are highly sensitive, and a birthday party is a recipe for a meltdown.
As a highly sensitive parent, trying to meet the needs of your baby is relatively easy. But attempting to meet the demands of others is another story.
Highly sensitive people are very intuitive, which comes in handy when dating — be sure to listen to that inner voice.
Your HSP best friend will listen to everything you say — but they’re also excellent at reading body language and hearing everything you don’t say.
Understanding and accepting your highly sensitive child allows you to focus on what matters rather than being distracted by what doesn’t.
It is critical to instill boundaries in your highly sensitive child so that they can transform from dependent child to independent adult.
Dating can be tricky for a highly sensitive person, but by using our HSP gifts — like our intuition — it can be enjoyable more than overwhelming.
Sensitive kids need the “mama bear” approach — just enough stimulation, but not too much.
HSPs want their partners to understand that getting alone time — separately — makes time together even better.
Healthy HSP friendships deeply support each other, using listening as a two-way street.
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