How to Deal with Negative Emotions as a Highly Sensitive Person
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed or “stuck” in negative emotions like anger, sadness, or anxiety, but there is a way out. Here’s what to do in 5 simple steps.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed or “stuck” in negative emotions like anger, sadness, or anxiety, but there is a way out. Here’s what to do in 5 simple steps.
The line between “I want to make it better” and “it must be my fault” is a thin one.
Highly sensitive people process and feel things deeply. Words really matter to us. So how do we stop taking little things so personally?
you’re a highly sensitive person (HSP), you might know what it’s like to live with some level of anxiety. Here’s the No. 1 thing that helps me.
HSPs react to trauma differently, and we need to heal from it differently, too.
If you have a rainforest mind, you may experience a sense of being out-of-sync, and on many occasions, feel both overwhelmed and underwhelmed.
Dear highly sensitive soul, if you’re feeling like the world is “too much” for you, then it’s time for some pampering and self-love.
There are a lot of well-intentioned therapists, but not all therapists are right for highly sensitive people. Here are red flags to watch out for.
You would think their bad behavior would turn me off, but paradoxically, it made me need them more — it made me codependent. I needed their approval.
If you’re a highly sensitive person with a rainforest mind, it’s time you start saying no to things that drain your energy. Here’s how.
As highly sensitive people, emotional overwhelm (unfortunately) is something we are used to. But does it have to be that way? No! Definitely not!
If your space looks like a maze, your life starts to feel like one, too.
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